Issue 001 April 1998
Issue 001 The Return of a Legend
What the Hell Is This Thing??!! How it all began.
Clinton versus Palmer An eerie coincidence? I don't think so.
Homer Did It Home denies he did it, surprise, surprise.
Rage Against the Media The media blames the public for the media's faults.
Apple: It's Own Worst Enemy? After years of loses and controversy, suddenly Apple's Wall Street's darling.
Giant Alien Maytag Cuts Finger David Van Wagner stitched.
Publisher Hangs Himself! Read how the publisher of the Havoc killed himself back in 1991.
World Cup 94 Report With World Cup 98 nearly upon us, this ancient report is curiously appropriate again.
The Guilt-free Drink for Liberals The Ultimate Refreshment.

Issue 001
Welcome to the Premiere Issue of The Wreakly Havoc!
Like most things American, the above statement implies something inaccurate. If you bought into it you'd assume that this is the first issue of Havoc, which isn't exactly true. First of all, the Havoc's been around since the 1980's, so this isn't close to the first issue. But it is the first web version, so maybe it's true after all.
Secondly, this isn't even a real issue. I mean, it's real in the sense that it exists, but not in the sense that's it's a current edition. The real first issue is going to be 002. This one is mostly filled with crap I wrote a while back. About half a dozen times I wrote half of a Havoc and then ran out of time to finish it. By the time I was ready to get back to it, the current events were no longer current. Such are the limitations of print media.
Still, there's some silly stuff here. Enough to convey the Havoc spirit, if you aren't familiar with it. Browse around. There's even a slight chance you'll find something of interest. And come back in May for the first "real" issue!
Publisher, The Wreakly Havoc